SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

Spooky, Haunted Places In Northern Minnesota

Finding haunted places while on vacation in Minnesota can give you and your family a thrilling scare. Especially when autumn rolls around and the weather cools down, you will be able to find plenty of attractions that pop up in Northern Minnesota. Venture out and explore some of the haunted places in the area along the North Shore in Minnesota or spend your time back at the Cascade Lodge telling spooky campfire stories.

Split Rock Lighthouse

Drive down the North Shore to Two Harbors, MN, to find the Split Rock Lighthouse. There are some stories that the lighthouse is haunted, such as weird paranormal experiences and seeing "a man in a lightkeeper's uniform on the catwalk."

Chippewa City

Chippewa City is located just outside of Grand Marais, MN. It's considered a ghost town even though it is still inhabited. Chippewa City was a small village of about 100 people in the late 1800s. But, the early 1900s were not kind to the village. It started with the construction of Highway 61, removing many homes, then a massive fire destroyed multiple homes. The 1918 flu epidemic further dwindled the population, followed by the Great Depression. By 1930 all of the original residents were gone.

Lake Superior Folklore

If you want to stay at Cascade Lodge, we know some great Lake Superior folklore that can make for some spooky campfire stories. For instance, you can read more about these folklores in a travel blog that features The Devil's Kettle, Mishipeshu, and Great Lakes Merman.

Enjoy A Thrilling, Spooky Vacation In Minnesota

We know you will have the best time on the North Shore in Minnesota. Whether that is out exploring haunted places or attempting to scare your family at Cascade Lodge, you'll be forging some beautiful memories in Minnesota. Our Lodge is incredibly accommodating for you and your guests. It's the perfect place for you to call home for a week or weekend. Cascade Lodge offers comfy cabins and vacation homes between Grand Marais and Lutsen. To book your vacation or see more things to do in Grand Marais, Minnesota, with Cascade Lodge, please check availability online or call us at 218-387-1112.